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Adjusting Zoom Level

Photoswipe has three zoom level options:

  • initialZoomLevel - zoom level when photoswipe is opened.
  • secondaryZoomLevel - zoom level when user clicks "zoom" button, double-taps image, or clicks an image. If it equals to initial - secondary zoom functionality is disabled.
  • maxZoomLevel - maximum zoom level when user zooms via zoom/pinch gesture, via ctrl-wheel or via trackpad. Always highest among three.

Supported values

Each zoom level option can be:

  • A positive Number, where 1 is original image size.
  • A String:
    • 'fit' - image fits into viewport.
    • 'fill' - image fills the viewport (similar to background-size:cover).
    • In both cases image will not be larger than original.
  • A Function that should return number. Use it to define dynamic zoom level. Function is called separately for each image when it is rendered, or resized, or lazy-loaded. For example to set custom secondaryZoomLevel:
secondaryZoomLevel: (zoomLevelObject) => {
// zoomLevelObject is instance of ZoomLevel class
console.log('Element size:', zoomLevelObject.elementSize);
console.log('Pan area size (viewport minus padding):', zoomLevelObject.panAreaSize);
console.log('Item index:', zoomLevelObject.index);
console.log('Item data:', zoomLevelObject.itemData);

// return desired zoom level
return 1;

Default behaviour

  • Initial zoom level is fit.
  • Secondary zoom level is 2.5x of fit, but not wider than 3000px.
  • Maximum zoom level is 4x of fit.
import PhotoSwipeLightbox from '/photoswipe/photoswipe-lightbox.esm.js';

const lightbox = new PhotoSwipeLightbox({
pswpModule: () => import('/photoswipe/photoswipe.esm.js')

Open images in fill state

import PhotoSwipeLightbox from '/photoswipe/photoswipe-lightbox.esm.js';

const lightbox = new PhotoSwipeLightbox({

initialZoomLevel: 'fill',
secondaryZoomLevel: 1,
maxZoomLevel: 2,

pswpModule: () => import('/photoswipe/photoswipe.esm.js')

Secondary zoom level is higher than initial

import PhotoSwipeLightbox from '/photoswipe/photoswipe-lightbox.esm.js';

const lightbox = new PhotoSwipeLightbox({
children: 'a',
mouseMovePan: true,

initialZoomLevel: 'fit',
secondaryZoomLevel: 1.5,
maxZoomLevel: 1,

pswpModule: () => import('/photoswipe/photoswipe.esm.js')

Initial zoom level is higher than secondary

Initial zoom level is set to 1 (original image size), you may want to disable opening closing transition (showHideAnimationType:'none') - as the larger the image - the harder it is to animate it smoothly. In this example it's not disabled, just to show you how it behaves:

import PhotoSwipeLightbox from '/photoswipe/photoswipe-lightbox.esm.js';

const lightbox = new PhotoSwipeLightbox({
children: 'a',
mouseMovePan: true,

initialZoomLevel: 1,
secondaryZoomLevel: 'fit',
maxZoomLevel: 4,

pswpModule: () => import('/photoswipe/photoswipe.esm.js')

Initial and secondary zoom level are equal

import PhotoSwipeLightbox from '/photoswipe/photoswipe-lightbox.esm.js';

const lightbox = new PhotoSwipeLightbox({
children: 'a',
mouseMovePan: true,

initialZoomLevel: 'fill',
secondaryZoomLevel: 'fill',
maxZoomLevel: 3,

pswpModule: () => import('/photoswipe/photoswipe.esm.js')

Image is smaller than initial and secondary

import PhotoSwipeLightbox from '/photoswipe/photoswipe-lightbox.esm.js';

const lightbox = new PhotoSwipeLightbox({
pswpModule: () => import('/photoswipe/photoswipe.esm.js')

Dynamic zoom level

Change zoom levels based on viewport size and device orientation:

  • fill 100% height of viewport on phones with portrait orientation,
  • otherwise fit image into viewport
import PhotoSwipeLightbox from '/photoswipe/photoswipe-lightbox.esm.js';

function isPhonePortrait() {
return window.matchMedia('(max-width: 600px) and (orientation: portrait)').matches;

const lightbox = new PhotoSwipeLightbox({

initialZoomLevel: (zoomLevelObject) => {
if (isPhonePortrait()) {
return zoomLevelObject.vFill;
} else {
secondaryZoomLevel: (zoomLevelObject) => {
if (isPhonePortrait()) {
} else {
return 1;

maxZoomLevel: 1,

pswpModule: () => import('/photoswipe/photoswipe.esm.js')